OTN – Lesson 6 – Converting OTL3.4 Back into OTU3 – Video 2

This blog post contains a video that serves as the 2nd of two videos that describe the functionality of the OTL3.4 Sink Terminal (aka the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk Atomic Function). This video focuses on Skew Compensation and ultimately combining the 4 OTL3.4 Lanes back into a Composite OTU3 signal.

OTN – Lesson 6 – Converting OTL3.4 Signals back into a Composite OTU3 Signal – Video 2 of 2

This blog post contains the second (of 2) videos that describes how we take an OTL3.4 Interface (or set of signals) and convert these signals back into a single (composite) OTU3 signal.  

This particular video completes the discussion of the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk Atomic Function (which, again, is a fancy word for OTL3.4 Sink Terminal).  

NOTE:  We formally introduce the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk Atomic Function in Lesson 9.  

This video discusses how the Lane Marker and Delay Processing Block (within the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk Function) evaluates all of the data and metrics coming from the four Lane Frame Alignment, Lane Alignment Recovery, and Elastic Store blocks and:

  • Measures and performs Skew Compensation,
  • Declares the dLOL (Loss of Lane Alignment) Defect Condition and 
  • Routes the de-skewed data to the 16-Byte Block MUX – which combines each of the four OTL3.4 lane signals back into a composite OTU3 signal. 

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 6 – Converting OTL3.4 Back into OTU3 – Video 2”

OTN – Lesson 7 – Converting OTL4.4 Back into an OTU4 Signal – Video 3

This post presents both information and video training on how we take an OTL4.4 signal and recombine it back into a composite OTU4 signal. This post serves as the third of 3 videos for the OTL4.4 Sink Terminal.

In this video we focus on the Lane Alignment Recovery Block and Skew Compensation.

OTN – Lesson 7 – Converting OTL4.4 Signals back into a Composite OTU4 Signal – Video 3

This blog post presents the 3rd (of a set of 3 videos) that discusses how we convert an OTL4.4 Interface (or group of signals) back into a single (composite) OTU4 signal.  

In particular, this video discusses the following:

  • It outlines how the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk function declares and clears the dLOR (Loss of Recovery) defect condition, for each of the 20 Logical Lanes, by walking through the Lane Alignment Recovery Block – LOR/OOR/IR State Machine diagram.  
  • This video also discusses Lane-to-Lane Skew Compensation, and
  • How the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk function declares or clears the dLOL defect condition, and 
  • How the OTSiG/OTUk_A_Sk function combines the 20 Logical Lanes back into a single (composite) OTU4 signal.  

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 7 – Converting OTL4.4 Back into an OTU4 Signal – Video 3”