Lesson 5 – PT = 0x20 Approach to Mapping/Multiplexing Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODUk Server Signal.
This portion of Lesson 5 presents information, along with a Training Video on how we Map and Multiplex Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into a Higher-Speed ODUk Server Signal using the PT = 0x20 Approach.
This Lesson includes four (4) videos discussing mapping/multiplexing lower-speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an OPUk/ODUk Server Signal using the PT = 0x20 scheme.
- Introduction to the PT = 0x20 Scheme and Mapping/Multiplexing up to 2 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU1 Server Signal (on this blog post – scroll down below to see video).
- Mapping/Multiplexing up to 4 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU2 Server Signal.
- Mapping/Multiplexing up to 4 ODU2 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal and
- Mapping/Multiplexing up to 16 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal.
Introduction to the PT = 0x20 Scheme and Mapping/Multiplexing up to 2 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU1 Server Signal
This video covers the following topics.
- An overall discussion of the PT = 0x20 Scheme to Mapping and Multiplexing Lower-Tributary ODUj signals into an ODUk Server signal.
- How do we use the PT =0x20 Approach to mapping/multiplexing 2 ODU0 signals into an ODU1 server signal? As this video discusses this particular mapping/multiplexing scheme, it will cover the following items in detail.
- Using the AMP (Asynchronous Mapping Procedure) to map each ODU0 tributary signal into an ODTU01 frame/signal.
- How do we combine each ODTU01 signal and map this data into the ODU1 payload?
- Transporting these AMP Justification parameters from the Source PTE (where we map/multiplex these ODU0 tributary signals into the ODU1 server signal) and the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODU0 tributary signals).
- The Multiplexed Structure Identifier within this type of ODU1 server signal.
You can watch the Video Training that Introduces the PT = 0x20 Scheme and discusses Mapping/Multiplexing up to 2 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU1 Server below.