OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 4

This blog post presents the fourth and final video of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. This video discusses how the ODUT_TT_Sk function supports Performance Monitoring at TCM Level i.

Lesson 11 – Video 6 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part FOUR

This blog post contains a video that covers the fourth part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the fourth part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

More specifically, this video covers the following Performance Monitoring parameters that the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function generates.

  • TCMi-pN_DS (TCM Level i, Near-End Defect Seconds)
  • TCMi-pF_DS (TCM Level i, Far-End Defect Seconds)
  • TCMi-pN_EBC (TCM Level i, Near-End Error-Block Count)
  • TCMi-pF_EBC (TCM Level i, Far-End Error-Block Count)
  • pN_delay – TCM Level i, Round-Trip Subnetwork Delay

This video also briefly describes the functionality of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function whenever it has been configured to operate in both the:

  • Monitor Mode, and
  • Transparent Mode

This video completes our discussion of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

Check Out the Video Below.

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 4”

OTN – Lesson 10 – Video 6N – Round-Trip Path Delay Measurements, pN_Delay

This post presents the 6th of the 7 Videos that covers training on the Peformance Monitoring of the ODUk Layer (for Non-Multiplexed Applications). This post focuses on the Sink Direction ODU-Layer Atomic Functions. More specifically, this post presents a video that describes how we can use the ODUk_TT_So and ODUk_TT_Sk atomic functions to measure the pN_Delay parameter.

OTN – Lesson 10 – Video 6N – pN_Delay Measurements (via the ODUk_TT_Sk and ODUk_TT_So Atomic Functions)

This blog post includes a video that discusses how we perform round-trip path delay measurements, pN_Delay, (using two sets of ODUk_TT_Sk and ODUk_TT_So functions) by manipulating the DMp bit-field within each ODUk frame.  

This video also closes out our discussion of the ODUk_TT_Sk Atomic Function.  

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 10 – Video 6N – Round-Trip Path Delay Measurements, pN_Delay”