What is a Protection Group (APS)

This post defines the term Protection Group, for Automatic Protection Switching (APS) purposes.

What is a Protection Group for APS (Automatic Protection Switching) Purposes?

ITU-T G.808 Defines the Protection Group as:  

The collection of head-end and tail-end functions, 1 to n normal traffic signals, optionally an extra traffic signal, 1 to n working transport entities, and a single protection transport entity used to provide extra reliability for the transport of normal traffic signals.

What does all that mean?

The Protection Group comprises components and connections that work together to enhance the reliability of a transmission/network system for a Normal Traffic Signal by implementing Automatic Protection Switching.

Further, the Protection Group for a transmission/networking system consists of all the following items/entities.

The Protection Group enhances the reliability and protects 1 to N numbers of Normal Traffic Signals.

The Protection Group can either support Unidirectional or Bidirectional protection switching.

Figure 1 presents the Illustration of a 1+1 Protection scheme that I have modified to show the various elements within a Protection Group.

Protection Group - 1+1

Figure 1, Illustration of a 1+1 Protection Scheme that also identifies the Protection Group.

Likewise, Figure 2 illustrates a 1:2 Protection scheme that I have modified to show the various elements within the Protection Group.

Protection Group - 1:N

Figure 2, Illustration of a 1:2 Protection Scheme that also identifies the Protection Group.

In both cases, Figures 1 and 2 show numerous components within a shaded box.

All the items within the shaded box (in each figure) make up the Protection Group.

I discuss the individual components that make up the Protection Group in other posts within this post.

In Summary:

A Protection Group is a system that consists of the following items/entities:

Each of these components works together, using Automatic Protection Switching to enhance the transport path’s reliability for a given Normal Traffic Signal.

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What is the Normal Traffic Signal (APS)

This post presents the definition for the term, Normal Traffic Signal, for APS (Automatic Protection Switching) applications.

What is the Normal Traffic Signal for APS (Automatic Protection Switching) Purposes?

ITU-T G.808 Defines the Normal Traffic Signal as:  
A traffic signal that is protected by two alternative transport entities called working and protection transport entities.  

What does all that mean?

In many applications, some traffic signals are critical to the Networking Service provider (and their financial bottom-line) and the end customers themselves.

Hence, these signals warrant a certain amount of protection in the form of some system redundancy.

In the APS (Automatic Protection Switching) World, we call this critical traffic signal the Normal Traffic Signal.

I recognize the apparent silliness in calling a critical traffic signal worthy of system-level protection a mundane name, such as the Normal Traffic Signal.

But that is the language used by the Standards Committee and the Industry (as a whole).

So who are we to buck the trend?

A Normal Traffic Signal becomes protected (in a system design) whenever the signal path between two Network Elements (that reside at the opposite ends of this particular protection group) provides both a Working and Protection Transport Entity (path) for that Normal Traffic Signal.

Figure 1 illustrates two Network Elements that form a protection group and are connected.

In this figure, we have connected these two Network Elements through two separate paths.

We will call one of these paths the Working Transport Entity and the other path the Protect Transport Entity.

Normal Traffic Signal - No Defect Case

Figure 1, Illustration of Two Adjacent Network Elements connected via a Protection Group (e.g., the Working and Protection Transport Entity).

So How Does All of This Work?

In most network system designs, the Network Elements will (by default) transmit the Normal Traffic Signal over the Working Transport Entity.

This Normal Traffic signal can be of any type (e.g., SONET/SDH, OTN, Ethernet, etc.).

Now, let’s suppose that some impairment were to occur within the traffic signal (that is, traveling from Network Element West to Network Element East).

The Network Element East will likely respond to this event by detecting and declaring a service-affecting or signal degrade defect with this traffic signal (e.g., SD, SF, etc.).

The overall system (consisting of both Network Element West and Network Element East) will respond to this event by redirecting the Normal Traffic Signal through the Protect Transport Entity instead of the (now defective) Working Transport Entity, as we show in Figure 2.

In other words, if the Working Transport entity (path) fails, then we can (and will) use the Protect Transport entity (path) as a Backup.

Normal Traffic Signal - Defect Condition

Figure 2, Illustration of Network Element East declaring a defect (with the traffic it receives from Network Element West) and (in response) invoking Protection Switching.

NOTE:  Figure 2 shows the two Network Elements invoking Bidirectional Protection Switching in response to Network Element East declaring a service-affecting defect condition.

The Network Elements could have also responded to this defect condition by using Unidirectional Protection Switching instead.

Please see Unidirectional and Bidirectional Protection Switching posts to learn more about these protection switching schemes/options.

In Summary

A Normal Traffic Signal is a protected signal.  It is an important signal that we will bear some expense to ensure that it gets from Point A to Point B, even with service-affecting or signal degrade defect conditions in the network.  

This means that as a given Network Element (at one end of a protection group) transmits the Normal Traffic signal to the other Network Element (at the other end of the protection group), it can do so by sending this Normal Traffic signal over one of two possible signal paths:

  • The Working Transport entity, and
  • The Protect Transport entity.

The Network Element will (by default) transmit the Normal Traffic signal over the Working Transport entity.

However, suppose the Network detects and declares a service-affecting or signal degrade defect within this Working Transport entity.  In that case, the Network System will redirect the Normal Traffic Signal through the Protection Transport entity (e.g., the backup signal path) instead.

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Bidirectional Protection Switching

This post defines the term Bidirectional Protection Switching for APS (Automatic Protection Switching) applications.

What is Bidirectional Protection Switching (and How is it Different from Unidirectional Protection Switching)?

The Definition of Bidirectional Protection Switching

ITU-T G.780 defines Bidirectional Protection Switching as follows:

A protection switching architecture in which, for a unidirectional failure (i.e., a failure affecting only one direction of transmission), both directions (of the “trail,” “subnetwork connection,” etc.), including the affected direction and the unaffected direction, are switched to protection.  

What does All That Mean?

I will explain all this through three (3) illustrations/cases.

  • The Normal/No Defect Case
  • The Defect/Bidirectional Protection Switching Case and
  • The Defect/Unidirectional Protection Switching Case

The Normal/No Defect Case

Figure 1 illustrates a “Normal” (e.g., No Defect) condition.

This illustration shows two network elements transmitting and receiving traffic to and from each other.

We will call one of these network elements Network Element West and the other network element Network Element East.

Normal Traffic/No Defect Condition - Protection Switching

Figure 1, Illustration of two Network Elements exchanging traffic during Normal/No-defect conditions.

Figure 1 also shows Protection Switching support for the traffic flow between these two Network Elements.

This figure shows a Bidirectional Working Transport Entity between these two Network Elements.

The figure also shows that there is a Bidirectional Protection Transport Entity between these two Network Elements, as well.

In this case, neither Network Element declares any defect within the Working Transport Entity, and Good/Normal Bi-directional traffic flows between these two Network Elements.

Finally, this figure also shows that all the traffic flows through the Working Transport Entities and that none of the traffic flows through the Protect Transport Entities.

Next, we will consider what happens whenever one Network Elements declares a service-affecting defect within the Working Transport Entity.

Bidirectional Protection Switching Case

Figure 2 presents an illustration of a Defect condition.

In this case, some impairment exists within the West-to-East Working Transport connection, and Network Element East is declaring some service-affecting defect with this traffic signal.

Bidirectional Protection Switching

Figure 2, Illustration of Bidirectional Protection Switching – in response to a Service-Affecting Defect in one direction of traffic

Since this defect exists within the Working Transport connection (in the West-to-East direction), this protection switching scheme will route all West-to-East traffic through the Protect Transport Entity instead.

Yet, this protection scheme does not stop there.  It will also route all East-to-West traffic through the Protect Transport entity.

In other words, if we detect a defect within the Working Transport Entity (at all), we will route traffic for BOTH directions from the Working Transport entity to the Protect Transport entity.

We call this particular protection scheme Bidirectional Protection Switching because, in this case, we are performing protection switching in BOTH directions, even if we only declare a service-affecting defect in one direction.

NOTE:  Since we perform protection switching in BOTH directions (for bidirectional protection switching), this kind of protection scheme requires that the protection group uses an APS or PCC (Protection Communications Channel).

Both ends of the protection group will need to communicate and coordinate with each other during protection switching events.

We will clarify the difference between Bidirectional and Unidirectional Protection Switching by showing the Unidirectional Protection Switching Case.

Unidirectional Protection Switching Case

Figure 3 presents another illustration of a Defect condition.

In this case, there is (once again) some impairment that exists within the West-to-East Working transport connection, and Network Element East is declaring some service-affecting defect with this traffic signal.

Unidirectional Protection Switching

Figure 3, Illustration of Unidirectional Protection Switching – responds to a Service-Affecting Defect in one direction on traffic.

Since this defect exists within the Working Transport Entity, this protection scheme will route all West-to-East traffic through the Protect Transport entity.

Yet, in contrast to the Bidirectional Protection Switching scheme, it will continue to route all East-to-West traffic through the Working Transport entity; since there are no defects in that particular direction.

In other words, the Unidirectional Protection Switching scheme only routes the traffic directions (the Network Element has determined to be defective) through the Protect Transport Entity.

If it detects no defects within a given Working Transport entity (in the other direction), it will continue to route that traffic through the Working Transport entity.

We call this particular protection scheme Unidirectional Protection Switching because, in this case, we are performing protection switching in ONE direction if we only detect a service-affecting defect in ONE direction.

Please see the Unidirectional Protection Switching post for more detailed information on this protection switching scheme.


In summary, the main difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional Protection switching is as follows.

For Bidirectional Protection Switching, if the Network Elements declare a service-affecting defect in ONLY one direction (of traffic), the protection scheme will still switch BOTH directions of traffic from the Working to the Protect Transport entity.

In the case of Unidirectional Protection Switching, if the Network Elements declare a service-affect defect in ONLY one direction (of traffic), then the protection scheme will only switch the defective direction from the Working Transport entity to the Protect Transport entity.

The other (non-defective) direction of traffic will continue to use the Working Transport Entity.

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Unidirectional Protection Switching

This post defines the term Unidirectional Protection Switching for APS (Automatic Protection Switching) applications.

What is Unidirectional Protection Switching (and How is it Different from Bidirectional Protection Switching)?

The Definition of Unidirectional Protection Switching

ITU-T G.780 defines Unidirectional Protection Switching as follows:

A protection switching architecture in which, for a unidirectional failure (i.e., a failure affecting only one direction of transmission), only the affected direction (of the “trail,” or “subnetwork connection,” etc.) is switched to protection.  

What does ALL that Mean?

I will explain all this through three illustrations/cases

  • The Normal/No Defect Case
  • The Defect/Unidirectional Protection Switching Case and
  • The Defect/Bidirectional Protection Switching Case

The Normal/No Defect Case

Figure 1 illustrates a “Normal” (e.g., No Defect) condition.

This illustration shows two network elements transmitting and receiving traffic to and from each other.

We will call one of these Network Elements Network Element West and the other Network Element Network Element East.

Normal Traffic/No Defect Condition - Protection Switching

Figure 1, Illustration of two Network Elements exchanging traffic during Normal/No-defect conditions.  

Figure 1 also shows Protection Switching support for the traffic flow between these two Network Elements.

This figure shows a Bidirectional Working Transport Entity between these two Network Elements.

The figure also shows that there is a Bidirectional Protect Transport Entity between these two Network Elements, as well.

In this case, neither Network Element declares any defect within the Working Transport Entity, and Good/Normal Bi-directional traffic flows between these two Network Elements.

Finally, this figure also shows that all the traffic flows through the Working Transport Entities and that none of the traffic flows through the Protect Transport Entities.

Next, we will consider what happens whenever one Network Elements declares a service-affecting defect within the Working Transport Entity.

Unidirectional Protection Switching Case

Figure 2 presents an illustration of a “Defect” condition.

In this case, some impairment exists within the West to East Working Transport entity, and Network Element East is declaring some service-affecting defect with this traffic signal.

Unidirectional Protection Switching


Figure 2, Illustration of Unidirectional Protection Switching – in response to a Service-Affecting Defect in one direction of traffic

Since this defect exists within the Working Transport entity (in the West-to-East direction), this protection switching scheme will route all West-to-East traffic through the Protect Transport Entity instead.

Please note this protection switching event only applies to the traffic within the West-to-East Direction.

Since Network Element West is not declaring any defects within the East-to-West Working Transport Entity, the East-to-West traffic will continue to travel via the Working Transport Entity (even though the West-to-East traffic has been switched over to the Protect Transport Entity.

We call this particular protection scheme Unidirectional Protection Switching because, in this case, we only perform protection switching in the ONE direction that has the service-affecting defect.

We will clarify the difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional Protection Switching by showing the Bidirectional Switching Case.

Bidirectional Protection Switching Case

Figure 3 presents another illustration of a Defect condition.

In this case, there is (once again) some impairment that exists within the West-to-East Working transport connection, and Network Element East is declaring some service-affecting defect with this traffic signal.

Bidirectional Protection Switching

Figure 3, Illustration of Bidirectional Protection Switching – in response to a Service-Affecting Defect in one direction of traffic

Since this defect exists within the Working Transport connection, this protection switching scheme will route all “West-to-East” traffic through the Protect Transport entity instead.

Yet, this protection switching scheme does not stop there.  It will also route all East-to-West traffic through the Protect Transport entity.

In other words, if we detect a defect within the Working Transport Entity (at all), we will route the traffic for BOTH Directions from the Working Transport entity to the Protect Transport entity.

We call this particular protection scheme Bidirectional Protection Switching because, in this case, we are performing protection switching in BOTH directions, even if we only detect a service-affecting defect in one direction.

Please see the Bidirectional Protection Switching post for more detailed information on this protection switching scheme.


In summary, the main difference between Unidirectional and Bidirectional protection switching is as follows.

For Unidirectional Protection Switching, if the Network Elements declare a service-affecting defect in ONLY one direction (of traffic), then the protection scheme will only switch the defected traffic direction from the Working Transport Entity to the Protect Transport Entity.  The other (non-defective) traffic direction will continue to use the Working Transport Entity.

In the case of Bidirectional Protection Switching, if the Network Elements declare a service-affecting defect in ONLY one direction (of traffic), then the protection scheme will switch BOTH directions of traffic from the Working Transport Entity to the Protect Transport Entity.

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