OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 1

This blog post contains video training that covers Introductory Material and the First Portion of the discussion of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

Lesson 11 – Video 3 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part ONE

This blog post contains a video that covers the initial part of the Sink-Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the first part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.  

This video specifically covers the following functions (within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function).

  • The Interfaces of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function
  • Near-End Error Checking – TCMi-BIP-8 Error Checking/Verification
    • TCMi-BEI Generation (in response to TCMi-BIP-8 Errors)
  • Far-End Error Checking – TCMi-BEI Checking
  • Defects
    • TCMi-BDI (Backward Defect Indicator) Defect Condition

Check Out the Video Below.

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OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Source Atomic Functions

This blog post presents video training on the Source Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring-related Atomic Functions.

Lesson 11 – Video 2 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Source Atomic Functions

This blog post contains a video that covers the Source-Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the following Atomic Functions

  • ODUT/ODU_A_So – ODUT to ODU Adaptation Source Function, and 
  • ODUT_TT_So – ODUT Trail Termination Source Function

We will discuss how these functions generate and handle an ODUT (ODU – Tandem Connection Monitoring) signal in each case.

We will also define terms such as TCM Levels and Modes.  

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Source Atomic Functions”