PT = 0x21/ODU4 Server Signal – Main Page

Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

This page serves as the Main Summary Page for all of the cases, in which we map/multiplex ODUj tributary signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.

The following table lists each of the PT = 0x21 Mapping/Multiplexing Cases, that we will be handling through this page and the related blog posts.

Table 1, Listing of PT = 0x21 Schemes for Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.

Links to the PT = 0x21, Mapping/Multiplexing Case Videos

You can go to any of the PT = 0x21 Cases (for Mapping/Multiplexing Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals) into an ODU4 Server Signal, by clicking on the links below.

General Rules for Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

Mapping/Multiplexing as many as 80 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

Mapping/Multiplexing as many as 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

Mapping/Multiplexing as many as 10 ODU2/ODU2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

Mapping/Multiplexing as many as 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

Mapping/Multiplexing some number of ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

A Summary of Everything We’ve Learned about Mapping ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal