Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/Summary ODUj Tributary Signal Mapping/Multiplexing into an ODU3 Server Signal

This blog post contains a video that summarizes our training on Mapping/Multiplex ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Scheme.

Summary/Review – Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that summarizes our training on Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In particular, we briefly summarize the following topics within this video.

  • A quick review of Mapping/Multiplexing schemes that use GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure)
  • A quick review of Mapping/Multiplexing schemes that use AMP (Asynchronous Mapping Procedure)
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 32 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 16 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal
  • Also, Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 4 ODU2 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal.
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 3 ODU2e Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal
  • Mapping and Multiplexing some number of ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal
  • A Discussion on why we logically subdivide ODU1, ODU2, ODU2e, and ODUflex tributary signals into time-slots (when mapping/multiplexing into a Higher-Speed ODUk Server Signal), but we don’t do that for ODU0 tributary signals.
  • A Review of the MSI (Multiplex Structure Identifier) within the ODU3 Server Signal for each Mapping/Multiplexing Schemes.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/Summary ODUj Tributary Signal Mapping/Multiplexing into an ODU3 Server Signal”

Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/32 ODU0 – Mapping/Multiplexing 32 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal

This post includes a video that first presents an introduction to the PT = 0x21 approach to Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODUk Server Signal. This video also discusses how we map/multiplex as many as 32 ODU0 tributary signals into an ODU3 server signal

Introduction to PT = 0x21 and Mapping/Multiplexing 32 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that:

  • Introduces the viewer to the PT = 0x21 Scheme for Mapping/Multiplexing Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODUk Server Signal, and
  • Shows how we map and multiplex as many as 32 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Using the GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure) to map each ODU0 tributary signal into their respective ODTU3.1 signal/frames
  • How to combine these ODTU3.1 signals and map them into an ODU3 payload
  • Transporting these GMP Justification parameters from the Source PTE (where we map/multiplex these ODU0 tributary signals into an ODU3 server signal) to the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODU0 tributary signals)
  • A review of the Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) within this type of ODU3 signal

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/32 ODU0 – Mapping/Multiplexing 32 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU3 Server Signal”