OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 2

This blog post contains a video that serves as Part TWO of our discussion of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. In this video, we discuss how this function declares and clears the TCMi-dTIM, TCMi-dAIS, TCMi-dLCK, TCMi-dOCI, TCMi-dIAE and TCMi-dBIAE defects.

Lesson 11 – Video 4 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part TWO

This blog post contains a video that covers the second part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the second part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

This video specifically covers the following functions (within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function).

  • How the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function declares and clears the following defect conditions
    • TCMi-dTIM (Trail Trace Identification Mismatch Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dAIS (Alarm Indication Status Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dLCK (Locked Status Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dOCI (Open Connection Indicator Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dLTC (Loss of Tandem Connection Monitoring Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dIAE (Input Alignment Error Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dBIAE (Backward Input Alignment Error Defect for TCM Level i)

Check out the Video Below

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