What are the Various Types/Formats of Ethernet Frames?

This blog post presents an overview of the various types of Ethernet frames, that are in use today.

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The purpose of this blog post is to list, itemize, and briefly describe the various types of Ethernet frames that are in use today.

This blog post will also provide links to blog posts with more details about these various Ethernet frames and the various fields (within these frames).

In short, there are five different types of Ethernet frames (that are widely used in networking today).

I present the byte format of each of these types of Ethernet frames in the figures below.

The DIX Ethernet Frame

The DIX Ethernet frame is the “DEC, Intel, Xerox” (DIX) Standard Ethernet frame.

A consortium of these three companies created this particular Ethernet format.

I present an illustration of the DIX Ethernet frame below in Figure 1.

DIX Basic Ethernet Frame Format

Figure 1, Illustration of the DIX Ethernet Frame

NOTE: The DIX and IEEE 802.3 Compliant (Basic) Ethernet frames each have a maixmum size (or length) of 1518 bytes (plus the Preamble).

I present a more detailed description of the DIX Ethernet frame in another blog post.

IEEE 802.3 Compliant (or Basic) Ethernet Frame

I illustrate the IEEE 802.3 (Basic) Ethernet frame below in Figure 2.

IEEE 802.3 Basic Ethernet Frame Format

Figure 2, Illustration of the IEEE 802.3 (Basic) Ethernet frame.

NOTE: The DIX and IEEE 802.3 Compliant (Basic) Ethernet frames each have a maixmum size (or length) of 1518 bytes (plus the Preamble).

I present a more detailed description of the IEEE 802.3 (Basic) Ethernet frame in another blog post.

IEEE 802.3 Compliant Frame with Q-Tag

We call this type of a frame a “Q-Tag” frame, because it includes the IEEE 802.1Q Tag. The literature also calls this tag the VLAN or priority tag. We discuss VLAN (Virtual LANs) in another post.

I illustrate the IEEE 802.3 Compliant Frame with Q-Tag below in Figure 3.

IEEE 802.3 Frame with Q-Tag - Ethernet Frame format.

Figure 3, Illustration of the IEEE 802.3 Compliant Frame with Q-Tag.

The maximum length of the IEEE 802.3 Frame (with Q-Tag) is 1522 bytes (plus Preamble).

I present a more detailed description of the IEEE 802.3 Compliant Frame – with Q-Tag, in another blog post.

IEEE 802.3 Complaint Ethernet Frame with Envelope Prefix and/or Suffix

I illustrate the IEEE 802.3 Compliant Ethernet Frame with Envelope Prefix and/or Suffix, below in Figure 4.

IEEE 802.3 Fraame with Envelope Prefix and Suffix - Ethernet Frame Format

Figure 4, Illustration of the IEEE 802 Compliant Ethernet Frame with Envelope Prefix and/or Suffix

The IEEE 802.3 Compliant – Envelope Frames, can have a maximum length of 2000 bytes (plus the Preamble).

I present a more detailed description of the IEEE 802.3 Compliant Ethernet frame with Envelope Prefix and Suffix in another blog post.

Jumbo Frame

I illustrate the Jumbo Frame before in Figure 5.

Jumbo Ethernet Frame Format

Figure 5, Illustration of the Jumbo Frame

The Jumbo Frame can be a large as 9018 bytes (in length) plus the Preamble.

I present a more detailed description of the Jumbo Ethernet frame in another blog post.

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Author: Darrell Smith

Darrell Smith has more than 30 years of experience as an Electrical Engineer. He has about 20 years of experience as an Applications Engineer and the remainder of his time was spent in Hardware Design and Product Marketing. He will now be sharing his wealth of knowledge on this blog.

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