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Your Basic OTN Training Purchase Options – Pay per Lesson Plans

Purchase OptionDescriptionPriceClick Below to Purchase Your Plan
Lesson 1 - Pay per LessonIntroduction to the BEST DARN OTN PRESENTATION...PERIOD.
The Four Ws for OTN.
Lesson 2 - Pay per LessonOPU, ODU and OTU Framing$300
Lesson 3 - Pay per LessonSections versus Paths and STEs versus PTEs$50
Lesson 4 - Pay per LessonNon-OTN Client Mapping (AMP, BMP and GMP)$500
Lesson 5/ODU4 - Pay per LessonMapping Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)$500
Lesson 5/ODU2/3 - Pay per LessonMapping Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU2/3 Server Signal (PT = 0x20, PT = 0x21)$400
Lesson 5/All - Pay per LessonAll of Lesson 5.
Mapping Lower-Speed ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU2/3/4 Server Signal
Lesson 6 - Pay per LessonTransporting OTU1, OTU2 and OTU3 Electrical Signals between Framers/Transceivers and an Optical Module on a PCB
Detailed Discussion of OTL3.4
Lesson 7 - Pay per LessonTransporting an OTU4 Electrical Signal between a Framer/Transceiver and an Optical Module.
Detailed Discussion of OTL4.4
Lesson 8 - Pay per LessonIntroduction to ITU-T G.798 and Atomic Functions$50
Lesson 9 - Pay per LessonDefect Handling and Performance Monitoring Requirements at the OTU-Layer$650
Lesson 10 - Pay per LessonDefect Handling and Performance Monitoring Requirements at the ODU Layer$700
Lesson 11 - Pay per LessonIntroduction to TCM. Defect Handling and Performance Monitoring Requirements for TCM Layers$700UNAVAILABLE
Lesson 12 - Pay per LessonAutomatic Protection Switching for OTN Applications$500UNAVAILABLE

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