OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring Controller and Multi-Administration Domain Walk-Thru – Part ONE

This blog post briefly introduces the Tandem Connection Monitoring Controller Atomic Function. This post also serves as Part ONE for the Multi-Administrative Domain Walk Through and Analysis.

Lesson 11 – Video 8 – TCM Controller and Multi-Administration Domain Walk-Through – Part ONE

This blog post contains a video that covers the first part of the Multi-Administrative Domain Walk-Through.

In particular, this video covers the following topics:

  • An Introduction to the TCM (Tandem Connection Monitoring) Controller Atomic Function
  • An Overview of What We Have Covered thus far – In Lesson 11 and Where We’re Going
  • Introduction to Compound (Atomic Functions)
    • Definition/Introduction to the Source Compound Function
    • Definition/Introduction to the Sink Compound Function
  • Part ONE of our Multi-Administration Domain Walk-Through (using our knowledge of TCM-related atomic functions to analyze this network).

In particular, this post covers the following parts of the Multi-Administration Domain Walk-Through.

  • Initializing the Service Requesting Domain – TCM Level 1
  • How We Initialize the Leased Service Serving Operator Domain – TCM Level 2
  • Initializing the Serving Operating Domain (Operator A) – TCM Level 3
  • Terminating the Serving Operating Domain (Operator A) – TCM Level 3

This video serves as Part ONE of our Multi-Administration Domain Walk-Through and Analysis.

Check Out the Video Below

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OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 5

This blog post includes a video that discusses both the ODUTm_TT_Sk (Non-Intrusive Monitoring) Function and the ODUT/ODU_A_Sk Atomic Function. This is the last blog post to describe and define the TCM-related Atomic Functions.

Lesson 11 – Video 7 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUTm_TT_Sk and ODUT/ODU_A_Sk Atomic Functions

This blog post contains a video that covers the fifth part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the following two atomic functions:

  • ODUTm_TT_Sk (Atomic Function for Non-Intrusive Monitoring – TCM Applications), and

More specifically, this video covers the following aspects of each of these Atomic Functions.

  • ODUTm_TT_Sk Atomic Function
    • Applications in which we would use the ODUTm_TT_Sk Atomic Function (e.g., Non-Intrusive Monitoring for TCM Subnetworks)
    • A brief overview of this function’s capabilities and attributes
    • How this function differs from the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function?
      • When the ODUT_TT_Sk Function is operating in the OPERATIONAL Mode
      • If the ODUT_TT_Sk Function is running in the MONITOR Mode, and
      • When the ODUT_TT_Sk Function is working in the TRANSPARENT Mode
  • ODUT/ODU_A_Sk Atomic Function
    • Where this function fits into the Tandem Connection Monitoring Network
    • The Architecture/Functionality of the ODUT/ODU_A_Sk Function
      • Operation in the various TCM Modes (e.g., OPERATIONAL and MONITOR/TRANSPARENT).
      • The Protection Port (for Automatic Protection Switching support).
      • The Removal Block – How this function terminates the “Selected TCMOH and APS/PCC field.”
      • Replacing the Normal ODU signal (carrying client data) with either the ODU-AIS or ODU-LCK Maintenance Signals.
      • Asserting CI_SSF and CI_SSD in response to upstream defect conditions.

This video completes our discussion/review of the TCM-related Atomic Functions.

Check Out the Video Below.

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 5”

OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 4

This blog post presents the fourth and final video of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. This video discusses how the ODUT_TT_Sk function supports Performance Monitoring at TCM Level i.

Lesson 11 – Video 6 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part FOUR

This blog post contains a video that covers the fourth part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the fourth part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

More specifically, this video covers the following Performance Monitoring parameters that the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function generates.

  • TCMi-pN_DS (TCM Level i, Near-End Defect Seconds)
  • TCMi-pF_DS (TCM Level i, Far-End Defect Seconds)
  • TCMi-pN_EBC (TCM Level i, Near-End Error-Block Count)
  • TCMi-pF_EBC (TCM Level i, Far-End Error-Block Count)
  • pN_delay – TCM Level i, Round-Trip Subnetwork Delay

This video also briefly describes the functionality of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function whenever it has been configured to operate in both the:

  • Monitor Mode, and
  • Transparent Mode

This video completes our discussion of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

Check Out the Video Below.

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 4”

OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 3

This blog post includes a video that serves as the 3rd (of our 4 Videos) that discusses the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. This video focuses on the TCMi-dDEG (Signal Degrade) defect condition, Defect Correlation and Consequent Equations.

Lesson 11 – Video 5 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part THREE

This blog post contains a video that covers the third part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the third part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

This video specifically covers the following operations (within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function).

  • How the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function declares and clears the TCMi-dDEG (Signal Degrade) defect condition
  • Defect Correlation within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. This video reviews the following Defect Correlation Equations:
    • cSSF <- CI_SSF or dAIS;
    • cLTC <- dLTC and (NOT CI_SSF);
    • cOCI <- dOCI and (NOT CI_SSF);
    • cLCK <- dLCK and (NOT CI_SSF);
    • cTIM <- dTIM and (NOT CI_SSF) and (NOT dAIS) and (NOT dLTC) and (NOT dOCI) and (NOT dLCK);
    • cDEG <- dDEG and (NOT CI_SSF) and (NOT dAIS) and (NOT dLTC) and (NOT dOCI) and (NOT dLCK) and (NOT(dTIM and (NOT TIMActDis)));
    • cBDI <- dBDI and (NOT CI_SSF) and (NOT dAIS) and (NOT dLTC) and (NOT dOCI) and (NOT dLCK) and (NOT dTIM) and (NOT TIMActDis)));
  • Consequent Equations within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. This video review the following Consequent Equations:
    • aBDI <- (CI_SSF or dAIS or dLTC or dOCI or dLCK or dTIM) and TCMCI_Mode != TRANSPARENT;
    • aBIAE <- dIAE and TCMCI_Mode != TRANSPARENT;
    • aTSF <- CI_SSF or ((dAIS or (dLTC and LTCAct_Enable) or dOCI or dLCK or (dTIM and (NOT TIMActDis))) and TCMCI_Mode == OPERATIONAL;
    • aTSD <- dDEG and TCMCI_Mode == OPERATIONAL;
    • aAIS <- (dOCI or (dLTC and LTCAct_Enable) or dLCK or (dTIM and (NOT TIMActDis))) and TCMCI_Mode == OPERATIONAL;
    • aBEI <- nBIPV and TCMCI_Mode != TRANSPARENT;

Check out the Video Below.

Continue reading “OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 3”

OTN – Lesson 11 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – Sink Atomic Functions – Video 2

This blog post contains a video that serves as Part TWO of our discussion of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function. In this video, we discuss how this function declares and clears the TCMi-dTIM, TCMi-dAIS, TCMi-dLCK, TCMi-dOCI, TCMi-dIAE and TCMi-dBIAE defects.

Lesson 11 – Video 4 – Tandem Connection Monitoring – ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function, Part TWO

This blog post contains a video that covers the second part of the Sink Direction Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM) related Atomic Functions.

In particular, this video covers the second part of the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function.

This video specifically covers the following functions (within the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function).

  • How the ODUT_TT_Sk Atomic Function declares and clears the following defect conditions
    • TCMi-dTIM (Trail Trace Identification Mismatch Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dAIS (Alarm Indication Status Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dLCK (Locked Status Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dOCI (Open Connection Indicator Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dLTC (Loss of Tandem Connection Monitoring Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dIAE (Input Alignment Error Defect for TCM Level i)
    • TCMi-dBIAE (Backward Input Alignment Error Defect for TCM Level i)

Check out the Video Below

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Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/Summary ODUj Tributary Signal Mapping/Multiplexing into an ODU4 Server Signal

This blog post includes a video that summarizes all of our training on Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.

Summary/Review – Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that summarizes our training on Mapping/Multiplexing ODUj Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In particular, we briefly summarize the following topics within this video.

  • A quick review of Mapping/Multiplexing schemes that use GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure)
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 80 ODU0 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 10 ODU2 or ODU2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.
  • Mapping and Multiplexing as many as 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.
  • Mapping and Multiplexing some number of ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal.
  • A Discussion on why we logically subdivide ODU1, ODU2, ODU2e, ODU3, and ODUflex tributary signals into time-slots (when mapping/multiplexing into a Higher-Speed ODUk Server Signal), but we don’t do that for ODU0 tributary signals.
  • A Review of the MSI (Multiplex Structure Identifier) within the ODU4 Server Signal for each Mapping/Multiplexing Schemes.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/Summary ODUj Tributary Signal Mapping/Multiplexing into an ODU4 Server Signal”

Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/n ODUflex – Mapping/Multiplexing n ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal

This blog post includes a video that describes how to map/multiplex some number of ODUflex tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal, using the PT = 0x21 Scheme.

Mapping/Multiplexing Some Number of ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that shows how we map and multiplex some number of ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Using the GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure) to map each ODUflex Tributary Signal into their respective ODTU4.ts signal/frames.
  • How to combine these ODTU4.ts signals and map them into an ODU4 payload.
  • Transporting these GMP Justification parameters from the SourcePTE (where we map/multiplex these ODUflex tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal) to the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODUflex tributary signals).
  • A review of the Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) within this type of ODU4 signal.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/n ODUflex – Mapping/Multiplexing n ODUflex Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal”

Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/2 ODU3 – Mapping/Multiplexing 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal

This blog post presents a video that describes how to map/multiplex as many as 3 ODU3 tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal, using the PT = 0x21 scheme.

Mapping/Multiplexing 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that shows how we map and multiplex as many as 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Using the GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure) to map each ODU3 Tributary Signal into their respective ODTU4.31 signal/frames.
  • How to combine these ODTU4.31 signals and map them into an ODU4 payload.
  • Transporting these GMP Justification parameters from the Source PTE (where we map/multiplex these ODU3 tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal) to the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODU3 tributary signals).
  • A review of the Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) within this type of ODU4 signal.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/2 ODU3 – Mapping/Multiplexing 2 ODU3 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal”

Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/10 ODU2 – Mapping/Multiplexing 10 ODU2/2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal

This blog post presents a video that describes how to map/multiplex as many as 10 ODU2 or ODU2e tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal, using the PT = 0x21 scheme.

Mapping/Multiplexing 10 ODU2/2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that shows how we map and multiplex as many as 10 ODU2 or ODU2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In this video, we discuss the following:

  • Using the GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure) to map each ODU2 or ODU2e Tributary Signal into their respective ODTU4.8 signal/frames.
  • How to combine these ODTU4.8 signals and map them into an ODU4 payload.
  • Transporting these GMP Justification parameters from the Source PTE (where we map/multiplex these ODU2/2e tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal) to the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODU2/2e tributary signals).
  • A review of the Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) within this type of ODU4 signal.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/10 ODU2 – Mapping/Multiplexing 10 ODU2/2e Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Signal”

Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/16 ODU1 – Mapping/Multiplexing 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal

This blog post presents a video that describes how to map/multiplex as many as 40 ODU1 tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal using the PT = 0x21 scheme.

Mapping/Multiplexing 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal (PT = 0x21)

This blog post includes a video that shows how we map and multiplex as many as 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal, using the PT = 0x21 Approach.

In the video, we discuss the following:

  • Using the GMP (Generic Mapping Procedure) to map each ODU1 Tributary Signal into their respective ODTU4.2 signal/frames.
  • How to combine these ODTU4.2 signals and map them into an ODU4 payload.
  • Transporting these GMP Justification parameters from the Source PTE (where we map/multiplex these ODU1 tributary signals into an ODU4 server signal) to the Sink PTE (where we de-multiplex and de-map out the ODU1 tributary signals).
  • A review of the Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI) within this type of ODU4 Signal.

You can view this video below.

Continue reading “Lesson 5/PT = 0x21/16 ODU1 – Mapping/Multiplexing 40 ODU1 Tributary Signals into an ODU4 Server Signal”